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Sources - Suspension and Steering

Tacoma White contributes:

don't know if anyone posted this yet or not, so here it is.


Theses guys make the "Super Pump", a higher-pressure, -flow steering pump... It's just the pump though, you need to have the reservoir. They also make new steering boxes, or "Super Box1 and Super Box2"

in UT
icq 5058954

Submitted by Pat Jorden (

With all of the discussion regarding lifts, etc... and hoping to find a solution one of these days for my '74 cherokee, i thought i would list this source of springs...

Eastern States Performance Outlet, Inc; In their '96 catalog they list springs for the front of '74 to '85 models, 109 inch wheelbase for 155 bucks a pair, 7 leaf. Rear is 190 bucks a pair, 5 leaf?

Number is 1 800 903 9019 or 717 672 9413. one of these numbers may be fax...

I am not affiliated with, or know much about them.

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