Yahoo! Archives (since Jan 2001)
Pre Yahoo! Archives (before Jan 2001)
The International Full Size Jeep Association is an organization of owners and enthusiasts of SJ series Full Size Jeeps. You know the ones, the ones that are three times the size of the CJs and YJs and XJs and Grand Cherokees... for the official definition, click here. We are the readers and participants in the FSJ-List, formerly JEEP-FULLSIZE.
FSJ-List readers are NOT a splinter group. It is our intent that the
FSJ-List mailing list supplement other Jeep and 4x4 internet
resources and not replace or detract from them. If you are an
owner / aficionado of Full Size Jeeps and you do not already do so, we
encourage you to utilize/participate in the following resources as well as the
- USENET: rec.autos.4x4
- Mailing list: offroad
- Mailing list: JEEP-L
Membership in the IFSJA is accomplished by subscription to the FSJ-List Mailing List. Membership is absolutely, totally free, and carries with it absolutely no requirements other than that. FSJ-List rules are covered in the FSJ-List FAQ.