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Full Sized Jeep Seat

Contributed By: Ethan B.

(Based on the Alabama song "Cheap Seats")
My truck's so big that I look small.
It's a little slow, they say.
It doesn't always wanna start, so I've got triple A.
I lie below the engine stand and try to fix it all.
I do my tune-ups by myself
I just hope I can pay for it all!
We like our trails rough as can be
Deep mud and snow is what we relish
We gotta find our parts second hand
cause the dealer doesn't sell it
We don't care about the ZJ's much
Cause our wallets aren't that deep
There's nothing like a Full Sized Jeep seat!
The trail is closed. Ain't that a sin
Looks like Granola won again
That other trail heads back to town
Tread lightly, don't shut it down.
We're not all bad, they're not all good
But if everyone just understood
they wanna hike, we wanna play
We don't hafta ruin eachother's day
We like our Jeeps big as can be
Deep mud and snow is what we relish
I got another Jeep that doesn't run
and I can't even sell it
We don't care about the ZJ's much
Cause our wallets aren't that deep
There's nothing like a Full Sized Jeep seat!
Now other makers now got trucks
and now our rigs aren't quite as tall
Suddenly we're left behind, our trucks looking rather small.
But I'd never trade my leather seats and my last working power lock,
fake wood trim, leaking seals, quadratrack, the best on the block!
We like our tires big as can be
Deep mud and snow is what we relish
I spend all my time underneath it,
but I'll never sell it
We don't care about the ZJ's much
Cause our wallets aren't that deep
There's nothing like a Full Sized Jeep seat!
Ethan B
83 Wagoneer Ltd. "Mud Puppy"

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