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DO RE MI Drink, by Homer J. Simpson

Contributed By: Rod Linnett

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       /        \
      |          |        DO RE MI DRINK, BY HOMER J.SIMPSON
      |          |
      |     __  __)       *ahem* La la la la....*ahem --LAAA!
      |    /  \/  \
     /\/\ (o   )o  )      DO....The stuff. .that buys me beer
     /c    \__/ --.       RAY...The guy that sells me beer
    (              )      ME....The guy. .who drinks the beer
     \_   _-------'       FAR...The distance to my beer
      |  /         \      SO....I think I'll have a beer
      | | '\_______)      LA....La la la la la la la beer
      |  \_____) thanks, i'm drinking beer
      |_____ |            That will bring us back to..
     |_____/\/\           (looks into an empty glass)
     /         \
corner corner