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Driver's License Application for Tri-state (KY, IN,IL)

Contributed By: Steve Kares
1. Name _________________________________________________
  (KY residents fill out line 1 as fully as possible. This completes your

2. Amount of income remaining after paying federal income tax, state income
tax, and state sales tax____________
    (Indiana residents only: The amount on line 2 is the fee for license

3. Address________________________________________________
    This address is:
     a) my actual address [ ]
     b) the address of someone I know [ ]
     c) completely ficticious [ ]

4. Name of insurance company __________________________________
    (If you don't have insurance or can't remember the name of your
company, make one up)

5. Have you:
    a) Passed the driving test in the state of residence at any time [ ]
    b) Passed the driving test in any other state or foreign country [ ]
    c) Passed the age of 60 [ ]
    d) None of the above [ ]
    (If none of the above, you must take a driving test)

6. Do you wish to have issued a low number license plate?  Yes [ ]  No [ ]
    If Yes, are you:
    a) a politician [ ]
    b) an attorney [ ]
    c) a doctor [ ]
    d) all the above [ ]
    e) none of the above [ ]
    (Only persons checking a, b, c, or d will be issued said plate)

7. Do you wish to be an organ donor?  Yes [ ]   No [ ]
    If Yes, do you wish to have organs removed:
     a) at the accident scene [ ]
     b) while enroute to the hospital [ ]
     c) only after death is certified by licensed medical practicioner [ ]
    If No, please attach a separate statement detailing your reasons why
not. This statement must be typewritten, double-spaced and no less than 5
(five) pages.


1. Do you hereby swear and affirm that, to the best of your knowledge, the
above statements are true?
    Yes [ ]   Fee  $ 5.00
     No [ ]   See question 2

2. Are most of the above statements true?
     Yes [ ]  Fee  $ 50.00
      No [ ]  See question 3

3. Are all the above statements completely false?
     Yes [ ]   Fee negotiable
      No [ ]   See question 1
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