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The Twelve Full Size Jeep Steps

Contributed By: Ethan Brady

Most of us know about the AA program which helps its members stop drinking, and how there are other "Anonymous" programs, all based on the 12 Steps originally (I think) created by the founders of AA.
Well, we all know WE'RE obsessed with our FSJ's...
  1. We admitted we were powerless over FSJ breakdowns and that our trail damage was just inevitable.
  2. Came to believe that only a Power greater than ourselves could restore our FSJ to perfection.
  3. Made a decision to turn our money and our time over to the care of our FSJs.
  4. Made a searching and fearless inventory of various obsolete and broken “spare parts” in our garage.
  5. Admitted to our mechanic, to our spouse and to another FSJ owners, the exact nature of our Jeep’s needed repairs.
  6. Were entirely ready to show off and be proud of our FSJ’s unique character.
  7. Humbly asked our spouse or significant other to ride in our FSJ, despite any of its shortcomings.
  8. Made a list of all persons we had abandoned due to working on our FSJ, and became willing to give free trail rides to them all.
  9. Made direct trail ride offers to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or the Jeep.
  10. Continued to take personal inventory of spare parts and when we they are no longer needed, promptly donate them to others in need.
  11. Sought through upgrades and bigger tires to improve our tractive effort with the trail surface as we four wheel, praying only for operator skill, safety, and the power to carry our Jeep out of the obstacle.
  12. Having had a GREAT TIME as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other fellow FSJ owners and practiced Tread Lightly principles in all our off road affairs.

And if that wasn't enough for you...
The Twelve Full Size Jeep Traditions
  1. Our Jeep’s mechanical welfare should come first; personal off road enjoyment depends upon getting home safely.
  2. For group trail rides, there is but one ultimate authority- our Spouse. The trail leaders are trusted servants, but they do not govern when we are allowed to go four wheeling
  3. The only requirement for FSJ membership is a desire to have fun in an FSJ.
  4. Each Jeep should be autonomous except in matters affecting other Jeeps or four wheeling as a whole.
  5. Each Jeep has but one primary purpose: To carry its passengers through trail obstacles and get them home safely.
  6. A FSJ owner ought never lend his Jeep to any related family member, lest that person not return the Jeep, and a family quarrel ensue.
  7. Every FSJ owner ought to be fully self-supporting, because s/he’ll need the money.
  8. FSJ owners may remain forever nonprofessional, but may employ mechanics, as needed.
  9. FSJ storage areas need never be organized; but we may create tire and gas can holders, boxes, gadgets and widgets to help further our FSJ enjoyment.
  10. FSJ owners should have lots of opinions on FSJ issues; thus the controversy help others make informed decisions.
  11. Our public relations policy is based on attraction and promotion; we need always to promote our Jeeps at the level of press, radio, films, television, and other public media of communication.
  12. “Real Jeeps Have Frame Rails” is the foundation of all these traditions, ever reminding us to place brute strength and function before fuel economy.

I hope you all are LOL and no one takes offense at this, as none is intended! :-)
Ethan B.
"Hi, my name is Ethan and I own an 83 Wagoneer Ltd..."
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