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The FlyThis Jeep owner from Texas is driving through on the New York thruway when he gets pulled over by the State Police. The policeman says, "You were speeding. Let me see your license & registration." He examines them and is about to hand them back when he notices the dazed expression on the driver's face. The driver is staring at him with a stupefied look, his mouth hanging wide open. "What's the problem?" the policeman asks. "Nothing" says the Jeep owner, "but I couldn't help noticing that critter flying 'round your head." The policemen looks and says, "What critter?" The Jeep owner says "Why, that big fly buzzing 'round your head -it's a circle fly!" "Circle fly?" asks the cop. "Yep, a circle fly - they spend their lives flying 'round piles of manure". "Just a minute" says the cop,"Are you calling me a pile of #!%&?!" "Ohhh no Sireeee," says Tex, "Ah have nothin' but respect for the law." Then he winks and says, "But you ain't foolin' that li'l ol' fly one bit!" |
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