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Beer Nuts

Contributed By: Jim Frens

The director of a mental health institution decided that a morale building field trip was in order. After consulting with his assistant, he opted for a trip to the Camden Yards, the stadium manager was VERY nervous.  The director assured him that his patients would be on their best behavior and there would be no problems.
The director and his patients spent weeks rehearsing proper behavior. Then came the day of the game.  All the patients arrived at Camden Yards.
"Sit, nuts!" said the director.  All the patients sat. When the national anthem was played the director yelled, "Up, nuts!".  The patients stood. At the end of the anthem he said, "Down, nuts!".  They sat.  When extraordinary plays were being made on the field, he ordered,  "Clap, nuts!". The patients wildly applauded.  For all intents and purposes, they looked like normal fans.
Things were going so well that the director decided to go get a hot dog and a Coke.  When he returned to his seat, he found that a riot had broken out!! Chaos reigned.  He sought out his assistant,  "What happened?"
The assistant said, "Well, everything was going just FINE until some vendor yelled, "Peanuts".
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