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The Aircraft CarrierForwarded from Jim at JTE This is the transcript of an ACTUAL radio conversation of a US naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of New Foundland in October, 1995. Americans: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a collision. Canadians: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the South to avoid collision. Americans: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course. Canadians: No I say again, YOU divert YOUR course. Americans: THIS IS THE AIRCRAFT CARRIER USS LINCOLN, THE SECOND LARGEST SHIP IN THE UNITED STATES' ATLANTIC FLEET. WE ARE ACCOMPANIED BY THREE DESTROYERS, THREE CRUISERS AND NUMEROUS SUPPORT VESSELS. I DEMAND THAT YOU CHANGE YOUR COURSE 15 DEGREES NORTH, THAT'S ONE FIVE DEGREES NORTH, OR COUNTER-MEASURES WILL BE UNDERTAKEN TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF THIS SHIP. Canadians: This is a lighthouse. Your call. ART .......In Farmington, Minnesota -- Leona mailto:hswlmk@ix.netcom.com |
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