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Does Santa Claus Exist?

Contributed By: Ismo Kankaanpaa

I got this from my girlfriend, she had translated this from Finnish text. Sorry about the metric measures, but this is a scientific text. :-)
"We now present the results of our studies concerning the existence of Santa Claus.
  1. As far as we know, there is no such species as a flying reindeer. In this point of our research we still have 300 000 animal species to study (most of these are insects). So there is yet a possibility that the flying reindeer of Santa Claus could exist.
  2. There lives approximately 2 billion children in the world (who are under 18) but since Santa Claus doesn't work among the Muslims, the Hindus, the Jews or the Buddhists, he only has to visit approximately 15 % of all the children on earth (378 million of them). Since there are on the average 3,5 children in every household, Santa Claus has to visit 108 million homes (presuming that there is at least one good behaving child in each family).
  3. Santa Claus has to do his work in 31 hours, taking into account different time zones plus the rotary movement of earth, and presuming that he travels logically from east to west. As a result of quick calculations we are to notice that Santa needs to execute 967,7 visits in one second. This means that in every house he has approximately 1/1000 seconds to park, jump off the sleigh, hand out the presents, run back to the sleigh and travel to the next house. Knowing, that these 108 million stops take place around the world and that the distance between two houses is approximately 1,3 kilometers, the total length of the journey is approximately 140 million kilometers. This means that Santa's sleigh has to travel approximately 1 040 kilometers per second, that is 12 500 times the sonic speed. For comparison, a normal reindeer reaches the speed of 25 km/h at best.
  4. Another interesting item for research is the weight of the sleigh. Presuming that each child receives merely a medium-sized Lego-pack (500 g), the sleigh weights 189 000 000 kg. On top of this we have to consider that Santa Claus is often described as highly overweighted. On land, a normal reindeer can pull approximately 140 kilos maximum. Even with the assumption that a flying reindeer (see #1) can pull ten times more than a normal reindeer, we need more than eight or nine reindeers to pull the sleigh. We need 135 000 reindeers. This adds up the total mass (not adding the weight of the sleigh itself) up to 210 000 000 kilos.
  5. The 210 000 000 kg traveling at 1 040 km/s produces substantial air resistance which causes the reindeer to warm up in a similar manner as a space ship returning to the atmosphere of the earth. The first pair of the reindeer consumes 14,3 quantum million joules/second/a reindeer. In a short period of time the first two reindeers will burst into flames, resulting in a chain reaction leading to the explosion of all the reindeers. The entire herd of reindeers will evaporate in 1/4260 seconds. At the same time Santa will meet 17 500 times the gravity forces. Santa Claus - with all his 120 kilos - will be pressed at the back of the sleigh by the power of 1 959 016 kilos.

In our studies, we came into the conclusion that if Santa Claus did in fact distribute the presents last Christmas - he is now dead. Another possibility is that Santa Claus is a fake, which theory is very unlikely since there are so many witnesses in the world who claim to have seen Santa regularly at least once a year. We shall continue the research.
With regrets, merry Christmas and a better new year despite this all.
(This text has been adopted from the Department of Research of the University of Technology.)"
ismo from Finland
(home country of the Santa Claus)
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