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Charter Members

The people on this page represent the original members of the FSJ-LIST before it was the FSJ-LIST. Matter of fact, we were members of the original JEEP-FULLSIZE list before it was JEEP-FULLSIZE. So, I guess we got the double whammy, we thought the original mass mailings were bad, then right before we became the FSJ-LIST, since we didn't have a server, we had regressed to direct mailing, and were victims of the ADDRESS LIST FROM HELL! We were mailing things around with these gigantic headers on them, so they could get out to everybody with a manual process. So they're definitely the charter members. I'd like to personally thank Ken Wetherall for alerting me to their presence and inviting me into the fold, and John Meister for providing me with this list.
- Dennis "Doc" Fariello

These pages are dedicated to the following people:

66 Super Wagoneer Ken Wetherall California
68 Wagoneer David Klingenberg Idaho
74 Wagoneer Rolf Aalto Washington
75 J-10 Hunter Hasbrouck Alaska
76 Wagoneer Ron Strouss Washington
77 Chief Russ Campbell Oregon
79 Cherokee Michael Baxter Nevada
79 Cherokee Ed Pedersen Vancouver, B.C.
79 J-10 Rich Holley Nebraska
79 Wagoneer Mike Lacher N. Dakota
81 Wagoneer John Meister Washington
82 Wagoneer Steve Nordby Mass.
84 Wagoneer Allen Lundgren Texas
85 J-10 Dennis "Doc" Fariello Florida
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