FSJs owned: "Timex", a 1985 J-10 aka "The Home of the Bottomless Transfer Case", which I've recently given to my son Mike. First one I owned was a 1980 Cherokee. After we get Timex back on the road I will be shopping actively for a Cherokee Wide Track, I think.
What I Do For A Living
I'm a Geek. Hired gun type (Consultant). Just finishing up a year long contract on a Help Desk for a major communications equipment company in Melbourne, Florida, and am becoming the NT Systems Administrator at a software company here in Palm Bay.
How I Got Stuck Doing This
I'm one of the Charter Members of the FSJ-List. I took over the original Jeep-Fullsize Mailing List Home Page when our original server, and original List Administrator and Webmaster, disappeared. I became the FSJ-List administrator when we moved the list to off-road.com. I retired from the list a couple of years ago, and then was asked to come back as List Administrator about a year ago.
What I Do For the IFSJA
I'm one of the moderators of the FSJ-List. We've got multiple moderators now, and for some reason they all seem to still think I'm the HCMFIC . I was the List Administrator for most of the time we were on Off-Road.com, and was single-handedly responsible for the middle of the night move to Yahoo groups (eGroups at the time - they switched over to Yahoo groups the day after 875 of us signed up. What a kronking nightmare THAT was). Now I'm one of four moderators of the FSJ-List. I am also responsible for propagating the word "Kronk" as an approved substitute cuss word. I did not make the word up, though, the credit goes to Conan O'Brien. I think it was his second show on the air where he and Andy did a spiel on Kronk, and two years or so later I introduced it into mainstream FSJ-dom <grin>
Miscellaneous Fluff 'n Stuff
I'm married (19 years this June) to my lovely wife, Karen. We've got two boys,
Mike (age 16) and Jason (13). I spent ten years in the U.S. Navy, and have worked
as an electrician, starter and alternator rebuilder, volunteer firefighter/paramedic,
pizza delivery boy, Marine Electrician, electric motor rebuilder and rewinder, tugmaster,
taxi driver and dispatcher, computer salesman, and computer technician. For my Philosophy
on Life, see here.
My favorite saying is one I saw on the wall of an ice cream shop when I was in sixth grade, and it's
stuck with me ever since. I have no idea who said it, but it's "The quality is remembered long after
the price is forgotten".
We bought our first home, here in Palm Bay, Florida, at Samhain 2000 (Halloween). I'm
really enjoying getting into yard work and making this very beautiful house even
purtier. We've really been blessed over the last three years, our lives have changed
DRASTICALLY. I can't even begin to say enough to thank everyone who's helped, all I can
do is live my new life the best I can, keep on doing the next best thing, and tipping an
occasional frosted donut <wink>. I've become an active member of society, and am active
in my new home town. I am lay leader and organizer of the local chapter of my religious
organization and am studying for ordination. I am active on the city's Environmental
Advisory Board and am a member of the Libertarian Party of Florida. I am active in the
affairs of my city's government as well. A Libertarian Pagan Geek with an FSJ... what a combo!!! LOL.